
Welcome to the class projects of musc108 (History of Rock and R&B) taught by Eric Charry at Wesleyan University. All students are required to participate in midterm and final projects, which can take the form of making an original audio or video recording, acting as producers or recording engineers, creating ancillary art work, writing for a class magazine, or helping to coordinate efforts. (In 2002 only a final project was required.)

The students work completely on their own, without any intervention from the instructor (myself), who claims no responsibility for the content.

Visitors are welcome to comment on the projects. You can browse the projects by year under Categories, or search for names in the Search box. Please keep the comments civil.

Any use (commercial or otherwise) of the material found here is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the “artists” who created the projects. Violations of this policy will be fully prosecuted by our extensive network of class alumni, which includes legal professional wannabes, guitarists and drummers, and former members of the well-being house and the men’s or women’s hockey, wrestling, football, basketball, and ski teams.

Note to graduates of this course: under the following extenuating circumstances you may request that your real name be substituted with a pseudonym: a) you have children or seriously plan to have children in the future; b) you have a serious prospect for landing a job that requires that either your subordinates or superiors respect you; or c) you plan to run for public office. In all cases, documentation must be provided, including any of the following: a note from a parent who may be hoping that you will take over student loan payments with said job; a photo of your child, spouse or partner who agrees to have a child with you, or adopting agency official; a note from your potential boss or subordinates; or a ballot with your name on it. Those of you who passed through this course and continued in music or a related field and wish to be part of a rogues gallery (Wall of Fame), please send a comment with a website or email address and I will link your name to it